1 % injectable Ivermectin for sheep and cattle ① Macrocyclic lactone
Internal parasites of cattle
For the treatment of gastro-intestinal roundworms, Parafilaria bovicola (false bruising) and eye worm (Thelazia).
External parasites of cattle
Kills sucking and biting lice and mange mites.
External parasites of sheep
Kills sheep scab mites. Controls Australian itch mites.
CEVAMEC 1 % Injectable solution
Reg No G2811 Act 36/1947
Antiparasitic remedy for cattle and sheep.
Store below 30º C and away from sunlight.
Ivermectin 10 mg/mℓ
- Do not slaughter cattle or sheep for human consumption within 21 days of last treatment.
- Do not use in lactating cattle where milk or milk products are used for human consumption.
- Do not use in dairy cattle within 28 days of calving.
- Do not use intramuscularly or intravenously.
- Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
- Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.
- Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling the product.
- Store bottle in carton to protect from light.
- Wash hands thoroughly after use.
- Cattle should be vaccinated against Clostridial infections (eg Black quarter).
- Sheep should be vaccinated against pulpy kidney (entero-toxaemia) before treatment.
- Temporary discomfort has been observed in animals following subcutaneous injection. The pain reaction is sometimes intense, but usually transient. A low incidence of soft tissue swelling at the injection site has been observed. These reactions disappeared without treatment.
Internal parasites of cattle
For the treatment of gastro-intestinal roundworms, Parafilaria bovicola (false bruising) and eye worm (Thelazia).
CEVAMEC 1 % Injectable Solution is effective against the following internal parasites of cattle when given subcutaneously at the recommended dose of 200 µg/kg body mass.
Cattle roundworms | Immatures | Adults |
Wireworm Brown Stomachworm Cattle Bankruptworm Hookworm Nodular worm | * * * * * | * * * * * |
Thelazia (Eye worm) | * | |
Parafilaria bovicola (False bruising) | ** |
* Controls = > 90 % effective
** Aids in control = 60 – 89 % effective
* An interval of 70 days must elapse after treatment, to allow lesions to heal.
External parasites of cattle
Kills sucking and biting lice and mange mites.
Controls Sand tampans infesting cattle for up to 3 days after treatment. Kills cattle screw-worms present at time of injection. Protects against screw-worm strikes for two weeks after administration. Controls Blue ticks (Boophilus spp.) on cattle. For control of Blue ticks, treatment must be repeated every 21 days.
External parasites
Kills sheep scab mites. Controls Australian itch mites.
Nasal worm: Highly effective against all stages (1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae).
Roundworm species | Immatures | Adults |
Wireworm Brown Stomachworm Bankruptworm Long-–necked Bankruptworm Hookworm Nodular worm Large-mouthed bowelworm Lungworm | * * * ** * * * * | * * * - * * * * |
* Controls = > 90 % effective
** Aids in control = 60 - 89 % effective
DIRECTION FOR USE: Use only as directed
Subcutaneous route:
Dosage: Cattle
CEVAMEC 1 % Injectable Solution should be given only by subcutaneous injection at the approved dosage level of 200 µg Ivermectin per kilogram of body mass. Each mℓ contains 10 mg of Ivermectin, sufficient to treat 50 kg of body mass.
Body mass (kg) | Dose volume (mℓ) |
Up to 50 kg 51 – 100 101 – 150 151 – 200 201 – 250 251 – 300 301 – 350 351 – 400 401 – 450 451 – 500 501 – 550 551 - 600 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
Administration : CATTLE
CEVAMEC 1% Injection Solution is to be given by subcutaneous injection only. Do not administer intramuscularly or intravenously. In cattle inject under the loose skin in front of or behind the shoulder. Use of a 16-gauge 2,0-cm needle is suggested. Use sterile equipment and follow aseptic procedures.
Appropriate vaccination precautions should be taken in areas where the risk of Clostridial infections of cattle such as black quarter (sponssiekte) and malignant oedema are present.
CEVAMEC 1% Injectable Solution may be used in cattle concurrently with Clostridial vaccines, given at separate injection sites.
Dosage: Sheep
CEVAMEC 1% Injectable Solution should be given at the following recommended dosage levels.
Body mass (kg) | Dose volume (mℓ) |
0 - 25 26 - 50 51 - 75 76 - 100 | 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 |
Administration : SHEEP
CEVAMEC 1% Injectable Solution is to be given by subcutaneous injection only. Do not administer intramuscularly or intravenously. The solution may be administered with any standard automatic or single-dose equipment. Use aseptic technique. The loose skin behind the shoulder, the skin under the foreleg (axilla) and the inside of the thigh are suitable sites for administration. Ensure that the needle is carefully inserted and that the solution does not leak from the injection site. In wooly sheep, ensure that the needle has penetrated the wool and skin before delivering the dose.
Sheep scab is a notifiable disease and all suspected outbreaks must be reported to the nearest state veterinary office. Treatment must be under government supervision.
For treatment of sheep scab outbreaks two treatments with an interval of seven days are recommended. Each dose is 1 mℓ / 50 kg (200 µg / kg).
NOTE:When treating an outbreak of sheep scab it is essential that:
a) All sheep on the farm must be accurately treated with the correct dose and marked after treatment.
b) All animals must be checked 7- 10 days after treatment and any animals not marked must be treated.
c) Care must be taken that the full dose is administered to each sheep.
An autumn treatment will kill third stages of nasal worm and a spring treatment will offset new infestations of this parasite.
A treatment in late autumn will remove roundworm burdens as well as first infestations of those roundworm species stimulated by cooler weather conditions. The spring "off-shears" treatment will remove roundworm burdens which have built up during the winter and early spring infestations stimulated by the first rains. This will contribute to reducing the contamination of "clean" summer grazing.
Instructions for use with automatic dosing equipment (250 mℓ and 500 mℓ packs):
- Disinfect all needles and syringes before using by boiling in clean water for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Boiled needles should be stored in an antiseptic solution before use and changed frequently when injecting animals.
- Remove the draw-off assembly from the sterile pack.
- Handle carefully to avoid contamination.
- Connect the plastic tube firmly to dosing syringe.
- Remove cap from bottle and disinfect rubber stopper with methylated spirits or other suitable chemical disinfectant.
- Hold bottle upright and fully insert draw-off needle into center of rubber stopper.
- Hang bottle comfortably in inverted position from neck, shoulder or belt.
- Use attachment tapes provided.
- Gently prime injector.
- Equipment is now ready for use.
- After use, remove draw-off assembly from pack and flush out entire apparatus with water before storing.
- If connecting tube is re-used, it should be boiled for 15 to 20 minutes before use along with the injecting syringe and needles.
- Store partly used bottle in carton to protect from light.
- Do not re-use empty bottles.
Studies indicate that when Ivermectin comes in contact with the soil, it readily and compactly binds to the soil and becomes inactive over time.
Drug containers and any residual contents should be disposed of safely (eg by burying or incinerating), as residual Ivermectin may adversely affect fish and certain water-borne organisms.
50 mℓ, 500 mℓ plastic vials.
Registration holder
Ceva Animal Health (Pty) Ltd.
Reg No 1973/016009/07
P O Box 7707
Halfway House
Tel. 011 312 4088