Reg. No. G 4033 Act 36/1947, Zimbabwe Reg No 2016/80.23.17/9727
Live freeze-dried vaccine for the active immunization of chickens against variant strain of avian Infectious Bronchitis virus (IB).
This vaccine contains a live attenuated IB virus, strain 1/96. Minimum titre per dose is 102,8 EID50.
Store in a refrigerator at 2 – 8 °C. Do not freeze.
Protect from sunlight.
Do not slaughter birds for human consumption for at least 28 days after vaccination.
Vaccinate healthy flocks only.
Ensure all chickens in the flock are vaccinated, vaccinated chickens may excrete the vaccine strain up to 28 days following vaccination.
Do not use in birds in lay and within 4 weeks before the onset of laying period.
Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
Intravenous injection should be avoided.
In healthy fowls vaccination may induce mild respiratory signs, which may persist for 4 to 5 days after vaccination, depending on the health and housing conditions of the chickens.
Once vaccine has been reconstituted, its contents must be used up within 2 hours.
Dispose of any unused vaccine and all the vaccine containers when the vaccination is completed in accordance with regulations on waste disposal.
Although this vaccine has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.
Do not mix with any other vaccine.
Observe aseptic precautions.
Ensure that vaccination equipment (needles, syringes, etc) are clean and sterile prior to use.
It is good vaccination practice, when handling vaccine, to avoid contact with the eyes, hands and clothing.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed
For the active immunization of broiler chickens, and laying type chickens in order to reduce the respiratory clinical signs caused by variant strains of infectious bronchitis virus belonging to the 793/B group.
Onset of immunity is 3 weeks after one administration of the vaccine.
Duration of immunity is 6 weeks.
Broiler chickens:One dose of the vaccine should be administered by coarse spray from 1 day of age. Older chickens can also be vaccinated by coarse spray.
Spray method: The vaccine should preferably be dissolved in distilled water or alternatively in cool, clean chlorine free water. The appropriate number of vials should be opened under water. The volume of water for reconstitution should be sufficient to ensure an even distribution when sprayed onto the chickens. This will vary according to the age of the chickens being vaccinated and the management system, but at least 250 mℓ of water per 1000 doses is suggested. The vaccine suspension should be spread evenly over the correct number of chickens, at a distance of 30-40 cm using a coarse spray, preferably when the chickens are sitting together in dim light. The spray apparatus should be free from sediments and corrosion as well as traces of disinfectants.
Layer chickensOne dose of the vaccine should be administered by drinking water from 10 days of age. For prolonged immunity chickens may be re-vaccinated every 6 weeks.
The vaccine should be dissolved in the drinking water. The amount of water should be calculated based on the average water consumption of the flock in the previous 4 days before vaccination. Calculate the amount of water needed, so that the vaccine is consumed within 2 hours. This amount should be approximately 30 % of the daily intake.
Medication, disinfectants and chlorine must be removed from the drinking water 48 hours before vaccination.
Water should be withheld prior to vaccination to make the chickens thirsty. The period for water withdrawal is dependent on the climate. Water withholding should be kept as short as possible with a minimum of 30 minutes.
Vaccination programme:
The veterinarian should determine the optimum vaccination schedule according to the local situation.
500, 1 000, 2 500, 5 000 and 8 000 doses of vaccine.
Ceva Animal Health (Pty) Ltd.
Reg. No. 1973/016009/07
P O Box 7707
Halfway House
Tel. 011 312 4088
Ceva-Phylaxia Veterinary Biologicals Co. Ltd
Szállás u.5 1107 Budapest