Tenaline® L.A.
A long-acting injectable Oxytetracycline solution.
Tenaline® L.A. guarantees the combination of high quality Oxytetracycline raw material plus a specific formulation developed by Ceva's R&D team. Produced in a Ceva Group's GMP factory (Libourne, France), Tenaline® L.A. is your antibiotic of choice for strategic medication and prevention of mostly ruminant diseases.
Ceva experts have developed a new innovative generation of vials made of plastic polymer for its range of Antibiotics: CLAS® vials, which are the first double layered polymer packaging which guarantees stability to the long acting Oxytetracycline formulation. They are also easy to handle, light, shock resistant.
Tenaline® L.A. is the only Oxytetracycline L.A. injection in South Africa with 3 years expiry date after manufacture.
Proven to be tissue-friendly; 72-96 hours efficacy. CLAS container (light, shock-resistant, easy handling, ensures stability of the active ingredient–hence long shelf life of 3 years;
Treatment and prevention (block treatment) of Heartwater and Gall sickness (Anaplasmosis), Pneumonia, Foot rot, Navel ill and Joint ill and uterine infections are the most common indications for its use.
FLORKEM® (Scheduled product – only available on recommendation and prescription by a veterinarian. For information regarding the benefits of this product when used appropriately, please consult your local veterinarian, or Dr Willem Schultheiss at 0823237019)
Last update: 22/10/2021
Related topics: antibiotic tenaline clas oxytetracycline