As requested, herewith the feedback on Olaf following the use of the Adaptil Diffuser and Spray.
Within just a few days of using the diffuser at night next to Olaf’s bed, and spraying the spray on his collar, gentle leader and lead; and in the foot well of the car, I observed a noticeable calming and better attentiveness in Olaf.
We’d been struggling with getting Olaf to get into the car foot well of his own accord – he’d try and jump onto the seat and/or get into the back of the car, and sometimes wouldn’t even get into the car. Within 10 days, he was comfortably climbing in on his own on command, settled down quickly sitting in the foot well, and before even driving off, he was lying down and settled. How we worked up to this point was to spray the Adaptil spray in the foot well 15 minutes before meal time, then put his food bowl in the foot well and call Olaf to eat his meal there. We left him alone there to quietly eat his food. We sprayed the Adaptil in the foot well before going in the car on outings and on his lead and jacket.
In general, he’s showed better focus and attentiveness, and seemed to become more interested in coming for quiet cuddle sessions, whereas before he only liked cuddles and head rubs when he was tired at the end of a busy session/day.
The diffuser ran out a couple of weeks ago and have noticed some increased over the top OTT behaviour in this time – so would like to think that it’s as a result of not getting the nightly effect of the Adaptil.
I would definitely like to have Adaptil from early on with my next puppy – I definitely think there would be a benefit to improving focus during training in the early days.
Last update: 12/06/2017