Your search for "parasites" return 6 results.
Privexia® Launch >
It’s our great pleasure to announce the launch of Privexia® , the new endectocide from Ceva Animal Health Reg. No. G3915 (Act 36/1947). Privexia® contains 1% Moxidectin , a second generation macrocycl...
Parasiticides >
Ceva subscribes to responsible endoparasite control which delays the development of worm resistance as much as possible - recognising the importance of susceptible Refugia worms. We follow an holistic...
Parasiticides >
The Ceva parasiticide range, when applied strategically during the production cycle in cattle and sheep, will lower the risk of financial erosion caused by internal and external parasite infestations.
Products >
Ceva is a veterinary pharmaceutical company with extensive experience in a wide range of therapeutic fields.
Support programmes >
An alliance between Ceva, the international community, civil society and researchers are making a significant difference to the lives of poor people.
Business and scientific partnerships >
Ceva works with an extensive network of business and scientific institutions worldwide to expand and diversify scientific knowledge.